5 Day Women's Riding with a Connection

5 Day Women's Riding with a Connection

from $125.00

This course is designed to give you a deeper understanding of what effective communication between your artificial and natural aids means to your horse. By understanding, pressure and release and the amount needed for each cue will help in your ability to achieve a higher awareness of what it takes to dance with your horse. By understanding more deeply these aids you will build more confidence and become empowered through a deeper understanding of the art of riding. This will be achieved by doing groundwork with feel which will be put to practice on our trail course as well as riding with feel also on the trail course. Then you will be introduced to classical riding in the arena in groups of 2 with Leigh. This will give you a deeper look into the old methods of achieving connection that has been used for centuries to achieve communication through lightness. There will be 2 days of lessons. The last 2 days will put your new skills to practice doing our Working equitation course for the last 2 days. This will challenge you to put purpose into your riding while trying to do specific tasks through obstacles with grace and ease. The last half of the last day will be a competition to see how far you have come with your skills and will be judged.

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